INNER HARMONY: Letting Go of Self-Hatred and Self-Judgement

  • Do you want to live in harmony with yourself?
  • Finally get a handle on that obnoxious voice in your head?
  • Go through life with joy, integrity and compassion? 

Then join us for a languid, loving and safe exploration of these aspects of your inner landscape, their function and their origins. 

By laying bare these aspects of your inner life, they become less intractable, less aggressive. That makes it easier to then start integrating them into the fabric of your world, without anger or resistance, but from a place of genuine kindness.

So how do we go about this? Meditation is a start. Really, what we get involved with is a contemplation of our inner lives from a specific set of attitudes: kindness, gentleness, patience, compassion, joy and trust.

This can be a profoundly healing journey, allowing you to assume the role of both the healer and the healed. In this journey, there are no “shoulds”, there is no authority other than your own, and through it, you discover the awesome power of love.

Warning. This can profoundly change your life, if you come at it with an open, curious mind, and a strong determination to really get involved.

Dates & Times

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Sign up for this day-long workshop using the form below.


10:00 – 10:45 Mindfulness meditation
10:45 – 11:30 Metta, exploration
11:30 – 12:15 TALK // or // Dialogue
12:15 – 13:00 Metta, gratitude

13:00 – 13:45 Lunch break (BYO)

13:45 – 14:30 Metta, letting go
14:30 – 15:15 Dialogue, or creative integration
15:15 – 16:00 Metta full
16:00 – 17:00 Reflection & Close


Suggested Donation: € 75 per person

I aim to make this workshop available to everyone, regardless of the depth of their pockets.

The workshop will happen when at least eight participants sign up.


Registration is free, and does not commit you to anything. If you are serious about changing your life, this small step is the first, and perhaps most difficult, of a great journey to inner harmony, well-being and contentment.

    1. Your details

    Your name (required)

    Your phone number (required)

    Your email (required)

    2. Some questions

    Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability. They will not be used in the course, but they may serve as a preliminary exploration of how effective taking part in this course might be for you, personally.

    The suggestion is to really reflect on these questions before answering, even – especially – if you’re not used to thinking in these terms.

    The first question is meant to ascertain how you generally inhabit your life, not from any idealized perspective, but from the actual way you do it. “Should’s” don’t come into it, this question is about how you actually live your life. The second question measures the level of your commitment, while the third question sort of prepares you for some of the impediments to success.

    Do you view your life, or the world you inhabit, as a struggle, or as mostly harmonious processes?
    Strongly struggleMildly struggleNeutralMildly harmoniousStrongly harmonious

    How about your work life, struggle or harmony?
    Strongly struggleMildly struggleNeutralMildly harmoniousStrongly harmonious

    Your contact with strangers, in the supermarket say, or during your commute, struggle or harmony?
    Strongly struggleMildly struggleNeutralMildly harmoniousStrongly harmonious

    Your personal life, with the people that are close to you, struggle or harmony?
    Strongly struggleMildly struggleNeutralMildly harmoniousStrongly harmonious

    Your connection to yourself, struggle or harmony?
    Strongly struggleMildly struggleNeutralMildly harmoniousStrongly harmonious

    Your connection to that which gives your life meaning, struggle or harmony?
    Strongly struggleMildly struggleNeutralMildly harmoniousStrongly harmonious

    To what extent do the following emotions play a role in your life?
    a. fear / anxiety

    Not at allA little bitFrequentlyMore than I'd likeA large extent

    b. anger
    Not at allA little bitFrequentlyMore than I'd likeA large extent

    c. sadness
    Not at allA little bitFrequentlyMore than I'd likeA large extent

    Only you can make the move towards more harmony in your life, and only you can keep that process going. How committed are you to intensively engage with the practices that are outlined in this course?
    Not at all committedStill on the fenceI'm aware of the problemDecently committedStrongly committed

    Engaging with these practices may mean temporarily setting aside some frames of reference that may have served you well in the past. Don’t worry, you’re not joining a cult, or a religious movement. Nevertheless, this process may run into some cognitive resistance, which makes it more difficult for you to get to where you want to go. To what extent are you prepared to temporarily set aside some of your frames of reference in order to get the most out of this course?
    Not at allMaybeNeutralI'm willingI'm very willing

    3. Extra information and send

    Room for extra information. Why do you want to join? All information you enter here will be treated confidentially.